Featured Stories
  • The extensive Autumn Show at Malvern is a massive celebration of the fruits of the earth and marks the harvest of flowers, vegetables and fruit of the season. All the […]

    Malvern Autumn Show: Giant Vegetables Championship

    The extensive Autumn Show at Malvern is a massive celebration of the fruits of the earth and marks the harvest of flowers, vegetables and fruit of the season. All the […]

  • Unusual races are often dreamed up in a pub, and the Beer Barrel Challenge is no exception! It took place annually (with only a single year off) from the late […]

    Great Kinder Beer Barrel Race

    Unusual races are often dreamed up in a pub, and the Beer Barrel Challenge is no exception! It took place annually (with only a single year off) from the late […]

  • This is an ancient custom dating back hundreds of years -nobody knows exactly how long but it’s reputedly one of the oldest traditions in Europe. It starts with a simple […]

    Abbots Bromley Horn Dance

    This is an ancient custom dating back hundreds of years -nobody knows exactly how long but it’s reputedly one of the oldest traditions in Europe. It starts with a simple […]

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